Feb 19, 2010

Chiro scans

So like I said I was going to post last week, here are my chiropractic scans.

To recap--

"White is within normal range," the doctor said, "green is mild, blue's a bit of a problem, and red is severe."

"What's that huge black one up there?"

"That's... well, we don't actually have a word for that."


"That would be beyond severe."

Anyway, for the top left graph, they took the temperature (F) of all the muscles around my spine, and the bars represent how many degrees from my normal body temp they are in each area -- hotter temperature means more muscle contractions, which, resting in a sitting position, shouldn't really be happening. So what we see is what muscles are working constantly. The ones in my neck are way overworked. The doctor said the lower left back muscles are probably trying to compensate what's going on on the upper right side of my body.

The bottom left graph measured my back's symmetry -- or lack thereof, I suppose. You can tell which side I carry my bag on pretty easily. Top right I didn't understand at all... and the bottom right is just an overall summary, basically saying "you're pretty fucked up, but still within fixable range."

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