Feb 10, 2010

You're kidding me, right?

I intended to continue discussion on the topic of Valentine's day and love without any particular lover, but I'm afraid my previous one has left me livid today and I've been just busy overall.

Despite this, I concur with my previous post.

Love doesn't suck. People do on occasion, but the anger will pass (at least it always does for me) and I will redirect my love. This does not mean I somehow retract what I've already given to anyone-- only that no more will come their way. I remember reading from a book way back in middle school something along the lines of "You can only hate strongly if you've loved strongly. Love and hate are one in the same." I really don't feel like I can comment any further on it since I have such a vague recollection of the context it was in and the exact words. But it's definitely something that stuck in my mind.

Anyway-- I'm going to try to get to bed at a somewhat-reasonable time. I know people always say "don't go to bed angry!"  but the truth of the matter is that emotion clouds judgement and there is no better mediator than time.

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