Mar 14, 2010

750 Words

So at Jin's suggestion -- more like a direction, but HEY whatever -- I started this 750 Words thing. Basically, you sit and you write 3 pages worth of... stuff. No rules. The idea is that you get all the crap on your mind out. Then you're either relieved or inspired or reflective or whatever you are. The hard part is sticking with it every day. But I've been doing well so far. The guy who runs the site says that it's different from a blog because it's really personal and not necessarily coherent for a reader. My favorite part of the site, however, is the statistics page for each day that you have the option to share (which, of course, I did) -- and review whenever.

This means that while my 750 words may be a mess of unrelated thoughts, I can still share a summary of my day. They use some "Regressive Imagery Dictionary" and "Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count system" to determine the stats. As nothing is ever perfect, it's bound to be a bit off, but from what I've seen does a good job of evaluating things.

The TL;DR version is that I'm posting weird stat pages, and will edit the blogs for the last couple days to include the links to those, too.

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