Jul 12, 2010

The Envious

I like to think that I'm a pretty friendly person. I really try to get along with everyone. Maybe too hard, sometimes.

So what makes me more frustrated than anything else is people that don't like me... and disregard any peace offering attempts because they've already got some judgement they've made about me.

It hasn't been a problem since high school. But we all know high school girls are jealous and stupid by nature, so I took what I could get for the most part. It still stung, but it's understandable given how shallow their collective pool of maturity is.

When it happens NOW, I have to wonder -- were you one of those self-absorbed bitches that must've had serious insecurity issues? Thomas thinks she's the "princess" type, hating anyone else that gets more attention than her. I mean, I'll be the first to admit I'm an attention whore. Pot calling the kettle black, right? But I never bring people down -- like I said, I try to get along with everyone. Empathy is like a natural thing to me. I've been guilty of jealousy, but certainly not envy.

What's the difference, you ask? In common speech, people use them as synonyms. Jealousy is even filed under envy in the list of the seven deadly sins. But the words themselves carry different meanings: both involve a longing for something someone else has, but envy takes it a step further, wanting that other person to suffer from the lack of it just as they do. Dante talks about how the envious get punished by having their eyes sewn shut with wire so they can no longer take pleasure from watching others suffer in Inferno. What an excellent solution.

I don't know what my point is. I'll never understand people's obsession with themselves to the point where they feel that others must be brought down. Never.

But you seem to be a master of this, miss. Maybe you can teach me?

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