Apr 18, 2010

"...got half a mind to tell you half of my heart won't do."

Still addicted to Mayer today. Of course. I'm very thankful Eric took me to his concert last month... kinda to the point that I feel a bit bad for not really talking to him much. Yeahhh, I know. Just not really interested in the least.

Quite frankly, I'm not in any position to be getting into any sort of new relationship for a while. And yes, I realize how odd that is for me considering the fact that I've been involved in a long-term relationship for the vast majority of the past decade. The longest I can remember being single... 2-3 months? That's probably a bad thing. So I'm cool with this whole vulnerable still-devoted ex-girlfriend role I've got going on.

That is not to say that I've resigned -- I'll probably get back into the game after a while. I've survived some pretty rough break-ups. I know I'll be okay.

My heart's a little soldier.

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